
Microsoft actually impressed me with a recent purchase – the job they did turning Lookout in to MSN Desktop Search was fantastic, I really couldn’t imagine my computing life without Desktop Search now. It seems they are on to a winner with their latest acquisition – Foldershare.

I hadn’t heard of Foldershare until I read that Microsoft had bought them out over the weekend (and made the product free) but it is apparently a well established product. It allows you to synch your files over multiple devices, share selected files privately with other users or securely access your files via an internet connection. I’ve given it a run between two PCs and it seems to do exactly what it promises.

They have temporarily pulled the Mac version but say it will be back soon.


Oh, wow. This is cool. Using the search box on the Foldershare site I can search, using MSN Desktop Search, across any of the devices I have synced. I’m hoping this functionality will move to the actual MSN Desktop tool but for now, wow.