Disable the Insert key for good

I’ve finally got rid of the Insert key once and for all (and not just in MS-Word). Here’s how:

1. Download the Windows Resource kit. It’s the Windows Server 2003 edition, but will also work on XP. (Not supported on others, but hopefully Win2K and maybe some earlier versions?).

2. Run C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\remapkey.exe

3. On the top keyboard image, drag another key onto Insert. I made it another Shift key.

4. Save, reboot. Voila!

The catch? There had to be one, right? Shift-Insert no longer works for pasting things. You’ll have to Ctrl-V instead.

(Thanks to, of all things, The Washington Monthly).

3 thoughts on “Disable the Insert key for good

  1. Lachlan Wetherall

    I’m not familiar with the remapkey tool, but I suspect that it is using the “Scancode Map” registry key, which is supported on Win2K and above. See http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/input/w2kscan-map.mspx

    My laptop keyboard has no right control key, I used this registry setting to convert the Windows context menu key (which I never use) into a right Control key.

  2. Smoker

    I’m so glad to learn how to fix these darned keys after reading the posts. Thank you! I use a free app called CapsLockOff to deal with that key. I thought about ripping the keys out but thought there would be a metal spike underneath?

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